The bulk reception feeder enables dump trucks and front loaders to discharge into a processing or stockpiling plant directly, where the bulk reception hopper feeds the system with a regulated flow of material. The double handling of primary material is also eliminated due to the direct feed in from trucks/front loaders.
The “Truck to Plant” concept of the static Titan range eliminates the double handling of material by loading directly into the production facility in a controlled manner. Telestack’s expertise in designing bulk reception feeders means that we fully understand the truck unloading process where tonnages are determined by a wide range of variations from truck capacities to material specification to cycle times. Each project is treated individually and intricately to ensure the correct solution for the customer based on detailed cycle time calculations and knowledge gained from many successful installations globally.
The Titan is a robust machine designed with heavy industry in mind, if you are a Cement, Steel, Power, Quarry, Port or similar industry, then the Titan is designed for you. It is based on a modular concept so that individual head and tail modules can be married with various body and deflection modules to make a whole range of machine types and styles to enable the following operational concepts:
End Tip – Road Truck Discharge
Side Tip – Road Truck Discharge
End Tip – Mining Dump Truck Discharge
End or Side Tip – Wheel Loader Discharge
Drive Over Discharge – All truck Types
Rail Wagon Unloading